On October 20, 2017, a Memorandum of Understanding for academic exchange between JSRT and TWSRT was signed at the 45th Autumn Scientific Congress in Hiroshima, Japan. Over the past few years, JSRT and TWSRT have conducted academic exchange. To promote this academic exchange and mutual development in the future, Dr. Chiung-Wen Kuo, the President of TWSRT, and Dr. Ogura, the Representative Director of JSRT, signed the memorandum and confirmed basic agreements for future academic exchange.
TWSRT was founded in 1968, and now has around 2,500 members who work as hospital radiological technologists or as university lecturers or researchers. The society’s mission is to improve the academic level of radiological technologists in Taiwan, and they hold an annual meeting to promote academic exchange among TWSRT members and with overseas visitors.
Under this agreement, both societies will endeavor to exchange members attending the other society’s congresses, as well as research materials and publications. The host society will accept and waive the congress registration fee for two committee members endorsed by the guest society. The congress registration fee will also be waived for five presenters, either students or young scientific investigators, endorsed by the guest society.
We hope this agreement will promote academic exchange between us.