
賞 名 受賞者 所 属 演題番号 演題名
President Award 渋川 周平 東海大学医学部付属病院 IS-099 Measurement of Intraventricular Temperature in the Whole Brain using Second-order Motion Compensation DTI
Gold Award 橋本 龍之介 藤田医科大学大学院 247 Region of Interest Setting by Artificial Intelligence for Regional Myocardial Blood Flow Analysis Using Dynamic Contrast-enhanced CT Imaging
山尾 天翔 国立精神・神経医療研究センター  285 Comparison between AT(N) Classification and Clinical Consequences Using PET and MRI Imaging
Chatachot Kotchakorn Chulalongkorn University IS-083 Estimation of biokinetic and patient dosimetry for Lu177-PSMA in metastatic prostate cancer treatment
Silver Award 市川 勝弘 金沢大学 17 Image Quality Improvement of Low-keV Monoenergetic CT Image Utilizing Three Dimensional Noise Filtering
清水 翔太 島根大学大学院 225 Monte Carlo Simulation of Dynamic Nuclear Medicine by Using PHITS
和田 菜摘美 熊本大学大学院 258 Prediction of Pathological Complete Response with Neoadjuvant Pharmacotherapy for Breast Cancers by Using Radiomics
藏本 裕香 熊本大学大学院 260 Estimation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Gene Mutation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers by Using Radiomics
木村 竜誠 藤田医科大学大学院 IS-011 Development of Virtual DSA Using Multiple Patch-based Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
田中 利恵 金沢大学 IS-051 Development of Prediction System for pleural invasion of lung cancer with dynamic chest radiography: A preliminary study
高橋 健太郎 北里大学 IS-066 Improved Fitting Function for Multiple Traceable Point-like Sources for PET
Bronze Award 望月 純二 みなみ野循環器病院 18 The Noise Reduction Effect of Low Energy Virtual Monochromatic Image by Three-dimensional Cross-directional Bilateral Filter
嶋田 真人 福井大学医学部附属病院 19 Evaluation of Image Quality in High Resolution Coronary CT Angiography Using a Three-dimensional Cross-directional Bilateral Filter
上田 淳平 大阪大学医学部附属病院 28 Radiation Dose Metrics in CT Examinations Using Japan Medical Image Database (J-MID)
廿樂 楓 帝京大学 133 Investigation of Optimal Reconstruction Condition Using Bayesian Penalized Likelihood Algorithm In [18F]fluciclovine PET Imaging
田辺 悦章 山口大学 174 Development of Detection Method of Changes on Lung Condition for Radiotherapy Using Temporal Subtraction Technique
岸本 奈渚子 熊本大学大学院 259 Estimation of O6-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase (MGMT) Methylation Status in Glioblastoma Using Radiomic Features
前田 達哉 金沢大学大学院 IS-014 Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters When Calculating the Shielding Rate Using Monte-Carlo Simulation and Experimentation
阪井田 佳那 金沢大学 IS-049 Detection of Arrhythmia based on Changes in Lung and Mediastinum Density on Dynamic Chest Radiographs: A Preliminary Study
紀本 夏実 金沢大学大学院 IS-054 A Novel Algorithm for Material Identification Based on a Photon Counting Technique -Toward the Development of a Quantitative Plain X-ray Diagnosis Using an Effective Atomic Number Image-
宍戸 正明 済生会横浜市東部病院 IS-074 Investigation of nonlinear diffusion method in bone single-photon emission computed tomography using resolution recovery method
田口 愛望 北海道大学医学部 IS-147 Quantitative Assessment of Joint Space in Phantom Simulating Small Joint: Validity of Radiography Using Phase Only Correlation(POC) in Comparison with High Performance CTs
松原 孝祐 金沢大学  IS-159 Influence of Different Standard Patient Weight Ranges on Median Doses for Adult Head, Chest, and Multi-phase Liver CT


Excellent Student Award(Next generation sessionにおける表彰)

受賞者 所属 演題名
橋本 龍之介 藤田医科大学大学院保健学研究科 Region of Interest Setting by Artificial Intelligence for Regional Myocardial Blood Flow Analysis Using Dynamic Contrast-enhanced CT Imaging
清水 翔太 島根大学大学院 自然科学研究科 Monte Carlo Simulation of Dynamic Nuclear Medicine by using PHITS
後藤 聡汰 金沢大学医薬保健学総合研究科保健学専攻 Phantom study using novel shaped OSL dosimeters having smaller angular dependence toward actual dose measurement during clinical X-ray examination
山崎 健大 名古屋大学大学院  医学系研究科 Examination of Difference in Absorbed Dose between Lens Position and Phantom Surface in Head CT in Monte Carlo Calculation
寶珠山 桃子 九州大学大学院 医学系学府 保健学専攻 Utility of Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) Imaging in Diagnosis of Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL): A Phantom Study
田口 愛望 北海道大学医学部 保健科学院 保健科学コース Quantitative Assessment of Joint Space in Phantom Simulating Small Joint: Validity of Radiography Using Phase Only Correlation(POC) in Comparison with High Performance CTs
高橋 司 藤田医科大学大学院保健学研究科 The Improvement of the Ability to Detect Lesions in Mammography Using a Photon Counting Detector
名和 勇樹 東北大学大学院医学系研究科画像情報学分野 Evaluation of 2D T1-Weighted Images in Different Image Sequences using Compressed Sensing
和田 菜摘美 熊本大学大学院保健学教育部 Prediction of pathological complete response with neoadjuvant pharmacotherapy for breast cancers by using radiomics
小泉 旬平 駒澤大学 医療健康科学部 診療放射線技術科学科 Evaluation of radiomics feature stability for different CT acquisition Parameters