賞 名 | 受賞者 | 所 属 | 演題番号 | 演題名 |
President Award | 渋川 周平 | 東海大学医学部付属病院 | IS-099 | Measurement of Intraventricular Temperature in the Whole Brain using Second-order Motion Compensation DTI |
Gold Award | 橋本 龍之介 | 藤田医科大学大学院 | 247 | Region of Interest Setting by Artificial Intelligence for Regional Myocardial Blood Flow Analysis Using Dynamic Contrast-enhanced CT Imaging |
山尾 天翔 | 国立精神・神経医療研究センター | 285 | Comparison between AT(N) Classification and Clinical Consequences Using PET and MRI Imaging | |
Chatachot Kotchakorn | Chulalongkorn University | IS-083 | Estimation of biokinetic and patient dosimetry for Lu177-PSMA in metastatic prostate cancer treatment | |
Silver Award | 市川 勝弘 | 金沢大学 | 17 | Image Quality Improvement of Low-keV Monoenergetic CT Image Utilizing Three Dimensional Noise Filtering |
清水 翔太 | 島根大学大学院 | 225 | Monte Carlo Simulation of Dynamic Nuclear Medicine by Using PHITS | |
和田 菜摘美 | 熊本大学大学院 | 258 | Prediction of Pathological Complete Response with Neoadjuvant Pharmacotherapy for Breast Cancers by Using Radiomics | |
藏本 裕香 | 熊本大学大学院 | 260 | Estimation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Gene Mutation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers by Using Radiomics | |
木村 竜誠 | 藤田医科大学大学院 | IS-011 | Development of Virtual DSA Using Multiple Patch-based Deep Convolutional Neural Networks | |
田中 利恵 | 金沢大学 | IS-051 | Development of Prediction System for pleural invasion of lung cancer with dynamic chest radiography: A preliminary study | |
高橋 健太郎 | 北里大学 | IS-066 | Improved Fitting Function for Multiple Traceable Point-like Sources for PET | |
Bronze Award | 望月 純二 | みなみ野循環器病院 | 18 | The Noise Reduction Effect of Low Energy Virtual Monochromatic Image by Three-dimensional Cross-directional Bilateral Filter |
嶋田 真人 | 福井大学医学部附属病院 | 19 | Evaluation of Image Quality in High Resolution Coronary CT Angiography Using a Three-dimensional Cross-directional Bilateral Filter | |
上田 淳平 | 大阪大学医学部附属病院 | 28 | Radiation Dose Metrics in CT Examinations Using Japan Medical Image Database (J-MID) | |
廿樂 楓 | 帝京大学 | 133 | Investigation of Optimal Reconstruction Condition Using Bayesian Penalized Likelihood Algorithm In [18F]fluciclovine PET Imaging | |
田辺 悦章 | 山口大学 | 174 | Development of Detection Method of Changes on Lung Condition for Radiotherapy Using Temporal Subtraction Technique | |
岸本 奈渚子 | 熊本大学大学院 | 259 | Estimation of O6-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase (MGMT) Methylation Status in Glioblastoma Using Radiomic Features | |
前田 達哉 | 金沢大学大学院 | IS-014 | Sensitivity Analysis of Parameters When Calculating the Shielding Rate Using Monte-Carlo Simulation and Experimentation | |
阪井田 佳那 | 金沢大学 | IS-049 | Detection of Arrhythmia based on Changes in Lung and Mediastinum Density on Dynamic Chest Radiographs: A Preliminary Study | |
紀本 夏実 | 金沢大学大学院 | IS-054 | A Novel Algorithm for Material Identification Based on a Photon Counting Technique -Toward the Development of a Quantitative Plain X-ray Diagnosis Using an Effective Atomic Number Image- | |
宍戸 正明 | 済生会横浜市東部病院 | IS-074 | Investigation of nonlinear diffusion method in bone single-photon emission computed tomography using resolution recovery method | |
田口 愛望 | 北海道大学医学部 | IS-147 | Quantitative Assessment of Joint Space in Phantom Simulating Small Joint: Validity of Radiography Using Phase Only Correlation(POC) in Comparison with High Performance CTs | |
松原 孝祐 | 金沢大学 | IS-159 | Influence of Different Standard Patient Weight Ranges on Median Doses for Adult Head, Chest, and Multi-phase Liver CT |
Excellent Student Award(Next generation sessionにおける表彰)
受賞者 | 所属 | 演題名 |
橋本 龍之介 | 藤田医科大学大学院保健学研究科 | Region of Interest Setting by Artificial Intelligence for Regional Myocardial Blood Flow Analysis Using Dynamic Contrast-enhanced CT Imaging |
清水 翔太 | 島根大学大学院 自然科学研究科 | Monte Carlo Simulation of Dynamic Nuclear Medicine by using PHITS |
後藤 聡汰 | 金沢大学医薬保健学総合研究科保健学専攻 | Phantom study using novel shaped OSL dosimeters having smaller angular dependence toward actual dose measurement during clinical X-ray examination |
山崎 健大 | 名古屋大学大学院 医学系研究科 | Examination of Difference in Absorbed Dose between Lens Position and Phantom Surface in Head CT in Monte Carlo Calculation |
寶珠山 桃子 | 九州大学大学院 医学系学府 保健学専攻 | Utility of Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) Imaging in Diagnosis of Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL): A Phantom Study |
田口 愛望 | 北海道大学医学部 保健科学院 保健科学コース | Quantitative Assessment of Joint Space in Phantom Simulating Small Joint: Validity of Radiography Using Phase Only Correlation(POC) in Comparison with High Performance CTs |
高橋 司 | 藤田医科大学大学院保健学研究科 | The Improvement of the Ability to Detect Lesions in Mammography Using a Photon Counting Detector |
名和 勇樹 | 東北大学大学院医学系研究科画像情報学分野 | Evaluation of 2D T1-Weighted Images in Different Image Sequences using Compressed Sensing |
和田 菜摘美 | 熊本大学大学院保健学教育部 | Prediction of pathological complete response with neoadjuvant pharmacotherapy for breast cancers by using radiomics |
小泉 旬平 | 駒澤大学 医療健康科学部 診療放射線技術科学科 | Evaluation of radiomics feature stability for different CT acquisition Parameters |